Recent content by hai_Priesty | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by hai_Priesty

  1. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 101 Discussion/102 Predictions

    Much as I find this chapter underwhelming (I expected something more to happen like >95% of the people here do) I hope there are more detour or interruption the way back...... since Emma is now gifted with a vision. Which I think would be interesting if rather than being gifted with a vision...
  2. hai_Priesty

    Shounen Yakusoku no Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu

    From The Promised Neverland's Official Twitter : HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!! [8/22] (Interested parties pls go collect your Emma Wallpaper now ^o^) 【HAPPY BIRTHDAY!】 本日8月22日は、エマの誕生日! お誕生日おめでとう!! 逆境にあってもくじけない真っ直ぐなエマを、この先もどうぞ見守ってください!! 誕生日記念に、スマホ用壁紙をプレゼント!!!#約ネバ#約束のネバーランド
  3. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 98 Discussion/99 Predictions (No Chapter Next Week)

    From conversation it seems like even the "authoritative" demons haven't discovered that Bayon have died yet and despite of being in Demon world (with another set of authorities) he's taking matter into his own hands, which I assume Demons won't approve of as well, and also further fan my...
  4. hai_Priesty

    Shounen Yakusoku no Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu

    The Vol 10 comments. THE COMMENTS. Many people have said it (from comments of their previous interview) but I'll say it once again. They clearly love each other and is an artistic pair made in heaven.
  5. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 98 Discussion/99 Predictions (No Chapter Next Week)

    Compelling chapter for all its possiblities! WAIT. If I'm not interpreting the pages wrong it looks like............. the very same Andrew that Peter Patri is sending It appears from Gillian's coversation that (very subjective to interpretation) that Emma's probably asked Gillian and every...
  6. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 97 Discussion/98 Predictions

    (Emphasis mine) Needed in the Demon World. That have my conspiracy theory side fired up as that sounds to me that they'er "Needed" and likely not just as food. Not those 50+ children whose Bayon has already shipped to Goldy Pond as hunting game anyway. 40 of them are supposed to die within 1...
  7. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 96 Discussion/97 Predictions

    Yuugo. His name is Kuga Yuugo, the badass traveler between the "our" world and the Neighbourhood, Dad to our MC.(......Ignore my World Trigger nonsense XD I miss Ashihara Sensei.) I am a bit torn between fact that on one hand I want the kids - or at least all the kids involved in Rebellion -...
  8. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 96 Discussion/97 Predictions

    Nice that make it safely!! :celebrate(I was paranoid) It's sort of bad for me to say but I smiled a little WHEN GILDA DID EXACTLY WHAT I POSTED AS SPECULATION 2 DAYS AGO :teehee But who can blame her, it did look like either Anon kill Ray & maim Emma, or simply abandon Ray to die. I can only...
  9. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 96 Discussion/97 Predictions

    Thanks. .................................When I see happy scenes with everyone around like this the first thought I had is still "This must be Emma's dream". :o I think I've been over-trained and maybe even paranoid. :/ Although I'd say - if the 3 week trek is "fortunately" uneventful with no...
  10. hai_Priesty

    Shounen Yakusoku no Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu

    Thanks OfficialHxH!! I can see that all the Senseis that drew their MC with another one of the Collaborated characters are all from legendary Jump series. Given that the more important the legendary character the more higher ranked Sensei is assigned to, Does anyone know who this mascot-like...
  11. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 95 Discussion/96 Predictions

    This chapter.... is strangely emotional given that many of the outcomes are predictable..... The narration did me in. Last few weeks I thought either Anon or Lucas will probably die, and since Anon can't die as the only person to bring - and CAPABLE to being - Emma through the 1.5 days...
  12. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 95 Discussion/96 Predictions

    Flooding with water (and it's fortunate that the facilities has such huge pipes) is brilliant in 2 senses - (1) To "destroy" the place as in making in inaccessible for investigating Demons (it's not like the tunnel and everything from the elevator shaft can be swept into metal parts - it's...
  13. hai_Priesty

    Shounen Yakusoku no Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu

    To clarify, the address to send would be to Japan, 〒119-0163 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-5-10 集英社 週刊少年ジャンプ26号約束のネバーランド人気投票係
  14. hai_Priesty

    Shounen Yakusoku no Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu

    Last call for The Promised Neverland Popularity Contest - The Popularity Contest Dateline is 9th July 2018! Cast your votes by postcard! (As I just noticed the "同日消印有効"mark in the rules of next to due date, it implies that no matter where you're sending to Japan from, as long as your voting...
  15. hai_Priesty

    Yakusoku no Neverland Chapter 93 Discussion/94 Predictions

    About this Arc's (lack of) fatalities - Since their original plan at start of the uprising depended on Goldy Pond being a secret place and no Demon Authority to come for the aftermath, it'll be quite a despair event if Anon & co & untrained children - carrying a dozen injured people, was on way...