Recent content by Guren no heya kara | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Guren no heya kara

  1. Help Money sign and how much it's worth

    Hi guys. Let's open our left hand palm and then put the right index and middle finger on it. We're a merchant making this 7 sign. How much are we asking for in modern days? 7000 yen or 70000? I think that each finger is worth 10000 yen but I could be remembering wrong. But now, for the hardest...
  2. Done Does anyone know what okabaka means?

    Hello, I have found nothing, so I simply went with "idiot" (three idiots in my case) for this guy's henchmen and moved on.
  3. Done Does anyone know what okabaka means?

    Hello. I have a character with a hippo face (kaokaba) and his rival makes fun of him spouting that saying it backwards you get a 陸バカ and the author gives us the reading as okabaka. The only thing I found that could work is about the 陸の三馬鹿 which after reading the entire stories about these army...
  4. Done I need help with some calligraphy/gyosho

    Hello, this was a NSW image originally. I edited it but I didn't cut off anything else text related. The general talk is about a man who mixed a drug to make women go sex crazy. This text was put there. I don't think it's the recipe, maybe a note from direct observation by the man of what...
  5. Done Barely readable name

    Hello, long time no see. I'm translating a manga for an official publisher and I have a little problem making out what's written in this image. I wouldn't even translate this to begin with, but having it would make it a sort of plus. It's either the family name, or the Buddhist posthumous name...
  6. Done Boku?

    Thank you very much for the reply. By the way, could you also enlighten me about what shakai means here? Is she intending social studies? (if you're wondering, the clothes he asks for are for the girl in the white dress)
  7. Done Boku?

    Hello, and long (long) time no see. So, here we have this girl chasing after the young boy and using boku at the end? Why? Is it used with the "servant" meaning? Additional info: She doesn't like men, but if she can use them, she does. She's the director of a big company, after all. In the...
  8. Done Need help with a couple of sentences...

    Hello. There's a guy who rarely wins at the casino, but when he does, he immediately squanders everything buying gifts for his friends or treating them to drinks and so on... One of those friends says グレンは、スッて帰るより 勝って帰ったときの方が お金が飛んでいっている気がするよ。 And then again むしろ、スッて帰るより お金が飛んでいっている気もするな。...
  9. Help Short & Quick Translation Request Thread [Thread for members with little/no JP/C/K knowledge. OP for

    Tentative: キス魔は100万回愛を哲う A kisser pledges his love a million times. (I think you got this 哲う wrong, it should be this one 誓う) 狼パパは 羊ヅラして甘えてくる A wolf papa courts in sheep's clothing. (there's a yaoi manga with a very similar title)
  10. Done つくづく彼も役得だよね。

    Our heroes break into a place to save one of their comrades (female) and other people. They fight a boss, beat him, but it's not completely over and the main character is in a pinch due to the boss, thought to be dead, on the verge of killing him with a surprise attack. Suddenly that female...
  11. Done やっぱりこちらが素なんだな。?

    The context is complex. Girl A thinks she's partially the direct cause for girl B's injuries during an incident. The guy who says this sentence asked girl A if she wanted to drop by the hospital to see how girl B is doing, since now she's out from a coma. Girl B replies that until she has made...
  12. Done やっぱりこちらが素なんだな。?

    Hi. Does anyone know the meaning of 素 here?
  13. Help Need help with a sentence...

    Hello. I have some characters discussing the police file regarding a certain someone. X is a secretary involved in politics and also has a special grade in the army intelligence. One of the characters says that x seems to be a subtle individual, maybe with even more hidden talents they don't...
  14. Done Kechi?

    Hi, long time no see :) I have a kid telling what happened when he and his little sister played hide and seek inside the train station... 駅で遊んでたら、駅員さんに 怒られてつまみ出されちゃった。 ちぇっ、ケチだよな~。 The usual "stingy", "cheapskate" for kechi doesn't work here. Party pooper? Tough luck?
  15. Done Need help with a sentence...

    ...So none of you has got an idea about what that sentence really mean :teehee Just kidding, you helped me make a decision and that's really appreciated ;)