Recent content by g.evergreen | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by g.evergreen

  1. Misc Attempt practice cleaning

    Alright, I hope I'm allowed to post here. :confused: Please, I need suggestions on what I can do better. Or what I did wrong. :oh RAW: CLEANED:
  2. Challenge Attempt g.evergreen attempts Cleaning Challenge #02

    Whoa, this lesson was never for beginners! It's so hard and complicated and I think impossible. :blink Can anyone help and rate? And what did I do wrong? :darn
  3. Challenge Attempt g.evergreen attempts Editing Practice #001!

    Alright, here's my very first attempt at editing. Any constructive criticism to give? :worrybunny
  4. Editing Practice #01 - The Lesson (With Solution Posted)

    Re: Editing Practice #001 - The Lesson (With Solution Posted) Okay, I'll try this. So we decide which font we wanna use?
  5. Introduction Thread - Part 2

    Hello everyone, g.evergreen here. I feel a bit lost around the forums... *laughs* :hurr I joined MH to become a Cleaner but don't actually know where to start. :amuse I've been designing graphics for a few years now, so Photoshop is not new to me. Figured, Hey cleaning scans can't...