Recent content by downright | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by downright

  1. Request New Username Request Thread

    can you please change my name to downright
  2. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 105 Discussion / 106 Predictions

    1. Eren left Paradi only once, isn't that what we know? They saved him only once outside Paradi? Am i mistaking what Paradi is? 2. What ally nation, could you explain a little bit better? 3. It was to seize all.. except for Reiner which i don't understand why he didn't ate. Only thing i can...
  3. Hangout Shingeki no Kyojin Hangout Thread

    Thank you...
  4. Request New Username Request Thread

    Hac in hora reason is.. that i like it. I think the time apart from the last name is right,,
  5. Hangout Shingeki no Kyojin Hangout Thread

    I am here only becose of April's fool... but what they are trying to do is.. they want me to download something on my mobile... and this is becoming fishy... very fishy ow i am an administrator too... finaly i was recognized.. for my talent..
  6. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 103 Discussion / 104 Predictions

    Zeke will stay alive, he's role is to go back for Historia to make her a stupid titan. Reiner will bring Zeke down for Mikasa to eat him. Marco will live... unless i become a wrestler, then i will kill him.
  7. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 100 Discussion/ 101 Predictions

    I wasn't following to know Willy let Eren eat him and that he ate him either.. i almost got quick to tell you that Willy is warhammer, it's vulgar enough but.. the oriental is interesting. Just having an idea that he might not actually show who the warhammer is ..although Connie should eat...
  8. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 100 Discussion/ 101 Predictions

    Glad i am not the only one not having a sweet heart, i can't stop my laugh. I think Eren sorted out his Ymir's curse, it's becose he was able to not regenerate. Actually he just might not be aware of it. That this knowledge solves the curse. So the idea is... Ymir's curse is controled by the...
  9. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 99 Discussion / 100 Predictions

    As for the soldier doing the booby trap i would put him under Zeke. Two attacks simultaneously so he would be conspiring to keep them away for this agenda of his. Now, his few chapters back mentioned secret, is actually the knowledge to activate the coordinate (if he would have one) when...
  10. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 94 Discussion / 95 Predictions

    He ain't ending in at least year, he doesn't even give me enough wrongs or rights about what i was developing, he gives nothing and am selfish and i want to talk about my theories before i forget them :oh
  11. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 94 Discussion / 95 Predictions

    The parallel world theory i proposed? Why woudn't he have time to do such thing? Only thing he needs to do is voice it if the loop scheme does not allow him to do so, now why didn't you write that to me, you made that as an argument to Eigengrau, am i really the craziest girl on the forum so...
  12. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 94 Discussion / 95 Predictions

    Yea, many are very much in the favor of time travel, here a lot and a lot people on tumblr. In my case is not time travel it's a loop, meaning the coordinate never did time travel for Krueger, but actually goes trough two world, It would be a an overused name if i call it parallelity/parallel...
  13. Chapter Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 94 Discussion / 95 Predictions

    Am in Snk will have two timelines, two worlds and without butterfly effects shown. So at first the shame would be on the Marley's side, but next time on Eldia's side :oh
  14. Discussion The ninth titan

    i'll thank you, i was ignorant.. about the particular sentence. Am actually struglling cos am readin that sentence in double meaningfull way.. might start few things from beginning. That's it for the day, i lost my ground. and @Battou next time don't defeat my argument in five minutes, wait for...
  15. Discussion The ninth titan

    Nono, not spinal fluid from his titan, spinal fluid from him, human spinal fluid.. but if you said it was from titans spinal i would even belive it, but it doesn't matter, just tell me this, how did people in history, how did they pass on shifter to a shifter, how did stupid titans even become...