Recent content by bufferunderrun | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by bufferunderrun

  1. Long-term predictions for the manga

    There should be an "international" arc, totsuki is japan top school and being the elite 10 is equal of being the most promising youth chef of that generation in japan and only japan there is no way in hell culinary flagship like France or Italy don't have a school comparable with totsuki.
  2. Chapter One Piece Chapter 880 Discussion/881 Predictions

    well yonkos don't seem to fight each other often, maybe they are so overpowered that all four of them avoid confrontation as much as possible because the consequences are far to big; they could end up seriously weakened and the marine could take advantage (like they took with WB attacking him at...
  3. Theory sanji will become king of germa and turn it into germa77

    The king of germa i don't think so but germa kingdom becoming another nation under "sh" influence is very likely, right now the Reverie assembly is in preparation and germa has a spot on it; the number of country supportive of them is growing dressrosa, drum, alabasta, fisherman island, step by...
  4. Predictions The Search for Straw Hat's New Nakama Part 5 - Totto Land Arc / Whole Cake Island Arc

    Well not all the SH have big dream like Luffy or Zoro, take Nami her dream is to map the entire world or Brook it's dream is to go back to the whale, in a certain sense Carrot dream is to see the external word that she never visited, Pedro has a story similar to Brook it's crew has been wiped by...
  5. Predictions The Search for Straw Hat's New Nakama Part 5 - Totto Land Arc / Whole Cake Island Arc

    to be fair Zoro past is only showing him training at that dojo/orphanage but we don't know who it's parents are, why and how he ended up there etc. Anyway i hope more than Jimbe join for me carrot, pedro, pudding and zeus all need to join to make the SH crew more like a real pirate crew and to...