Recent content by Arrogance | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Arrogance

  1. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Thats horrible :comfort Yup, my mom was ID'd buying non-alcoholic beer at the supermarket and she was just like, wtf :cookiestare Yeah....I'm gonna keep my hair. Why go bald now when I'm gonna go bald later. :-_- Its better for me to live with my hair while I still have it :thumbs.
  2. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Well then have your father buy his own beer this way you don't have to suffer the shame of buying alcohol. Hahaha, As soon as I was legal I was all excited to start using my id but then no one would check it cause I apparently look older. It took me about 2 weeks since I turned 21 for someone...
  3. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Then you should buy beer in bulk and store it this way you can go to the store less frequently. Less trips to the store means less embarrassing experiences for you :3c.
  4. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    It honestly depends, you get to a certain age where being older isnt a good thing anymore. I'm like in the middle area where is can be good or bad depending on the context and who thinks I'm older or not, lol. But yeah people thinking your 15 is kinda harsh, sorry :comfort And yes long time no...
  5. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    What do you mean by weird facial hair :-_-... Anyway yeah from what I know the only limit on clubs is 21 so you should be good to go on that U.S. trip haha. As for me being 21 I'm enjoying it. Its good to get out to a bar once in a while to just chill and hang with some friends. I dont go...
  6. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

  7. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Yeah, I mean it used to be cool when people thought I was older. When I was 13 a girl thought I was 18 and when I was 18 people thought I was 21...but now I'm starting to get to that point where its turning the wrong way for me and people think I'm ancient :(. Next thing you know women my age...
  8. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Yes it has, I'm very tired and run down from this last few months alone :-_- 40 :sweat lol kids are just so freakin nosy these days and none of the kids I end up teaching know how to shut up. I feel like kids these days have no idea what it means to respect a teacher. Its sad. :(...
  9. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    O I'm around elementary school and middle school children at work all the time, trust me i know. 8th graders thought I was 28 years old one time, and some people asked if I had kids -____-.
  10. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Hey, no I am not lol. My spring break was the last week of February :sweat. So thats already over and gone. I've just been working and keeping busy as much as I can. I registered for commencement and ordered my diploma. I feel so old now :scry. Hows things with you?
  11. Arrogance

    ghostexiled's yaoi thread

    Re: Now what? Gah! I read your other post and thought that they passed you on to other people for further review! Not that they dropped you :(. Well keep on trying, one day you'll end up where your supposed to be. :thumbs
  12. Arrogance

    ghostexiled's yaoi thread

    Re: Now what? Great Job on the art test ghost, it looks awesome, I hope you get the job! Then you can become consumed by RL and step down from being a mod like me :hurr
  13. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Haha, people are never happy. I loved the last arc, modding during it would have probably killed me. People gotta just grow up and stop complaining about every little thing cause frankly it gets to the point where there line between reasonably complaints and trolling is crossed. You have the...
  14. Arrogance

    Hulk's Stoppin In To Say Hi

    Hahaha, i wish it was that easy sometimes. Well I have a light final semester, only 12 credits and then I graduate so hopefully when I get a good groove going, I'll start working out again. You just gotta have it in ya and I don't right now. Soon though I'll give it a shot.