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Recent content by 1Sneeze1Kill

  1. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Kizaru next nakama /s
  2. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Looks like Oda wants to draw a connection between Luffy's past and Kuma's past.
  3. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Kizaru joins straw hats? This reminds me of a meme. It could be that Oda reveals Kizaru's story next. So far we had a segment in the arc for each of those characters in that order: VP, Sento, Bonney, Kuma at the moment and likely Kizaru is next.
  4. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Threshold levels vary between readers.
  5. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Kuma failed to retrieve the fruit. Luffy ate it. What could have been the interaction between Shanks and Kuma?
  6. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    1101 appears to be tied to chapter 1, with Shanks, Luffy and the gum fruit, in the village where everything begun. Why else show Luffy? It's a hint obviously. Shanks met Kuma? I am trying to piece the puzzle together.
  7. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Each of the Gorosei might be working on their own project, evil plan. I never doubted Saturn was the main villain of EggHead.
  8. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    They act independently in Imu's best interest.
  9. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Bonney's sudden fruit might be the most interesting element of the flashback.
  10. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    Dragon = Bonney's father Kuma = Luffy's father
  11. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1100 Discussion

    10/10 for Brook fans if he finally gets in a few panels too. Is she Saturn's daughter? Oda made mistakes in the past.
  12. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    This is so cringe every single time we're not getting any sensible or concise hints. Why bother? What is he trying to say? Are we going to pay for criticizing him?
  13. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1096 Discussion

    Ugh, Kizaru fight isn't important anymore, guess he died.
  14. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1094 Discussion

    Looks like it's all about Saturn from here on. Gorosei are much stronger. True. He also was captured before. I hope it doesn't drag into a hostage arc.
  15. 1Sneeze1Kill

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1094 Discussion

    Damn Kizaru died from one punch. With the light powers he must have been running all his life away from strong opponents like he did with Luffy.