Games - Mafia Game 116 - Ghiblification - End Game | MangaHelpers

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Games Mafia Game 116 - Ghiblification - End Game

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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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🍃 Night Actions 🎥

Here are this game's night actions! Players are sorted by the order they die as usual.

This game was largely designed around trialling the new Serial Killer as well as trying out a new role, the Clown. Despite being solo parties, we thought it would be interesting to see if the comp itself rather than specific roles could aid and hamper these two parties. There was a faux mafia party in three death millers, as well as a freeman that the two non-towns could hide behind. We deemed this little core of semi-pro-towns necessary for the single SK to hide behind + create some competition for the Clown in terms of sus candidates. Police Officer is there to catch the criminal serial killer (only the workday of the cop ends around dinner while the serial killer prowls around at midnight 😔).

We thought the standard core of Doc, Det and Prost complemented by Cowboy would be sufficient for the town to win with, aside from their numerical superiority. Troublemaker is a double-edged sword involved for everybody. NVD and Bomb are passed along town and can completely debilitate any of the TP's; especially the Bomb could have coldly ended the careers of either one of them. The strongest asset Town had was their numbers; SK would have to survive 4~5 phases whereas Clown has to inversely fight impatience while getting lynched early. If not, the town has enough bodies to throw at the Clown timer.

Overall, maybe aside the PO, we thought the comp was relatively balanced; it was also pretty close. The Clown almost died D1 but then deflated around D5. DD was on the chopping block the whole game, and could have still died rather easily had the last vote been unplaced or just stacked on Faust. Very entertaining! Hope to see all of you guys next game again.
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Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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📽 MAFIA GAME 116 - Ghiblification 👸

Oh To Be a Ghibli🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃

"We love to be transported to new worlds and discover new realms, experience new stories and allow ourselves to feel new and familiar emotions. That is to say, we love to be ghiblified. A mysterious portal transports you to a world where the lines of good and evil are slowly blurring. In this world, where skies are endless and forest canopies cover secrets untold, a new and dangerous story unfolds. The sky breaks into an upside-down ravine whose depths reach unimaginable heights. From there, a divine voice chants the following eternal words: "Anime was a mistake". Only you, main character, can prove him wrong. Use your cunning, charisma and Kardashian gifs to the fullest to become the ultimate victor!

Mafia Rules
Game instructions

Welcome to MH Mafia! These headers represent guidelines that may be consulted by Hosts and Players while participating in games.

  • Host directions are considered to be absolute while the game is ongoing, however, the Mafia subthread is merely a part of MH, therefore all MH guidelines and staff authority over MH-related matters remain in effect.
  • Mafia is a game of accusation and blaming, and may therefore be at times emotional or distressing. Nonetheless, please remain respectful towards the Hosts and your fellow Players.

  • Players are randomly assigned an allegiance along with a role. The main two allegiances are “Town” and “Mafia”. Additionally, there are “Third Party (TP)” roles, which work similarly to the Mafia.
  • “Town” Players know their roles but do not know the roles of other Players.
  • “Mafia” Players know their roles and the roles and identities of their fellow mafia team members. Additionally, they may every night undertake to kill a Player of their choosing.
  • “Third Party” together with Mafia are called “non-town factions” or “scum”.
  • Town’s goal is to eliminate all Mafia and TP Players.
  • The Mafia’s/TP’s goal is to eliminate Town Players till there’s an equal number of living Mafia and Town Players remaining at the start of a day phase. Additionally, they have to eliminate all other non-towns factions.
  • All Players will post on the designated game thread to discuss, question and vote.

  • The game is conducted in two recurring stages, the “Day Phase” and the “Night Phase”
  • During the day phase, the game is played publicly in the designated game thread. Here Town players try to lynch Non-town players and vice versa. During the night phase, Players with night actions may use these.
  • Players with day actions may use their actions during the Day Phase. However, these powers may not be activated in the last hour of the day phase.
  • At the end of the day phase, the Host tallies the votes. The Player with the most votes is eliminated from the game, and their role is revealed for all to see. Then, the game thread is closed by the Host and the night phase begins.
  • Players with night actions may use their actions during the Night Phase.
  • Town Players may not communicate with other Players about the game during the Night Phase. However, the Mafia confers in a designated mafia discussion pad provided by the Host.
  • At the end of the night, the Host records and processes all night actions. After this, the Host PMs the results to Players, re-opens the game thread, and posts all relevant announcements and night kills that occurred.
  • At the start of the game, generally day phases last 24 hours, and night phases last 12 hours. However, as the game goes on, and the Player count goes down, these phases may be shrunk. Furthermore, phase lengths correspond with Host convenience.

  • Each Player has to place at least one vote during the day phase. A Player may change their vote once, however, this locks their vote.
  • You cannot vote for yourself.
  • A vote is placed by including in your post: votekill [Player name]. Alternatively, if you wish to lock your vote onto someone, you may post votelock [Player name]. If you votekill after you already voted once, the Host will automatically consider it a lock.
  • After the day phase length has expired, the Host closes the thread and tallies all votes. The Player with the most votes will be lynched, and their role will be revealed.
  • In case of ties, the Player with more votelocks will be lynched. If all lynch candidates have the same amount of votes, the Hosts use coinflips to decide who will be lynched.
  • The Host will keep track of all (relevant) votes per day in the Vote Post pinned at the top of the game. Every Vote Post will be linked in the Opening Post
  • Failing to comply with voting regulations once incurs punishment based on the gravity of the transgression, and therefore is subject to Host discretion. Generally, failing to comply with rules incurs one penalty vote. Failing to do so a second time incurs three penalty votes. Failing to do so a third time in a game results in a Host kill.

  • Each Player has to post at least three times every Day Phase.
  • You are not allowed to post any screenshots, PMs or any other quotes or information (which are real or could be taken for real) that are considered privileged, game-breaking or otherwise against the spirit of the game. For instance, you may claim “Detective”, but you may not post a screenshot of your PM showing the Host gave you “Detective”. You may also not forge a screenshot stating you received another role.
  • You are not allowed to (majorly) edit your posts. Minor edits (e.g. grammatical or aesthetic changes) must be highlighted or referred to clearly.
  • You are not allowed to spam, derail conversations with irrelevant topics, be abusive or excessively rude to Hosts or fellow Players, or otherwise violate MH rules.
  • You are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the game thread with active Players. This includes the Mafia Discussion thread: this thread is not part of the game and therefore Players are not allowed to discuss live games in that thread.
  • You are not allowed to post about the game during the night phase. The exceptions to this are Host designated spaces where select factions may continue communication during the night.
  • You are not allowed to influence the game once you’re dead by posting on the game thread, liking posts or informing living Players of things they could not have known otherwise.
  • The Host may invite dead players with no actions left in the game to a special chat room where dead players can discuss and spectate the game. However, players who enter this chat room may not discuss its contents outside of the chat room till the game is over.
  • Each of the above rules applies to spectators as well.
  • Failing to comply with posting regulations once incurs punishment based on the gravity of the transgression, and therefore is subject to Host discretion. Generally, failing to comply with rules incurs one penalty vote. Failing to do so a second time incurs three penalty votes. Failing to do so a third time in a game results in a Host kill.

Roles & Actions
  • For a list of all roles and priorities used on this forum, please consult this thread
  • For a list of all role interactions, please consult this thread
  • For a list of all new and experimental roles, or to suggest one yourself, please consult this thread
  • A role is a specific power you are allotted by the Host randomly at the start of the game
  • You cannot use a role to target yourself.
  • Roles may be Active or Passive. Passive roles do not require the Player to send PMs to make use of. Active roles do require a PM by the Player to the Host to activate. Furthermore, roles may be day or night specific.
  • Players with day roles can PM the Hosts during the Day Phase who they wish to target. However, they cannot use their power during the last hour of the day.
  • Players without day roles are not allowed to claim day roles.
  • Players with night actions can PM the Hosts during the night who they wish to target. Alternatively, a Player may submit an action ahead of time. Players may change their minds in the meantime, and Hosts will always take the most recently submitted action.
  • Night actions are governed by priority groups. roles in greater priority groups are processed before than those in lower priority groups, e.g. priority 1 roles are processed before priority 3 roles. Conflicting role actions with the same priority groups are processed through coin flips by the Host.
  • Players may or may not make use of their night action. If the Player fails to submit their action before the deadline, the Host will not process their action.
  • Failing to comply with role regulations once incurs punishment based on the gravity of the transgression, and therefore is subject to Host discretion. Generally, failing to comply with rules incurs one penalty vote. Failing to do so a second time incurs three penalty votes. Failing to do so a third time in a game results in a Host kill.

Mafia & Third Party
  • At the start of the game, Mafia Members are sent a group PM, informing all individual members of their teammates and individual roles. Note that no game-specific comments are allowed to be made in this PM during the day phase.
  • During the day phase, Mafia Members hide among the Town population and generally aim to not get lynched.
  • During the night phase, the Mafia will gather in a Host-designated space. Here they will discuss strategy and who they want to kill and how else they would like to use their night actions.
  • Mafia Members each have the ability to perform a night kill (unless stated otherwise by their role). They can however submit only one killing action per night phase and must decide together who will perform the kill, and who will be killed.
  • Night actions are submitted together, but results are received individually.
  • There may be multiple Mafia teams depending on the set-up of the game.
  • Third Party players similarly aim to defeat all other non-town parties, as well as survive in accordance with their personal win conditions.
  • Lastly, the number of Non-Town Players depends on the number of participants. The following numbers indicate or suggest how many non-towns one may expect in a game, but is not a rigorous guideline:
    • 7 - 10 = 2 non-towns
    • 11 - 13 = 3 non-towns
    • 14 - 17 = 4 non-towns
    • 18 - 20 = 5 non-towns
    • 21 - 24 = 6 non-towns

Penalties, Subs & Hall of Shame
  • If a player learns they will be impaired in the future, preventing them from being active in the game, they are ought to communicate this to the Host in a timely fashion.
  • Generally, the Host aims to maintain a playable and/or enjoyable game state. Therefore, the Host reserves the possibility to host kill and/or substitute players depending on the situation in the game.
  • The general guideline is to host kill or substitute players who have accumulated 4 or more penalty votes, though this may vary and depend on host discretion
  • Particularly players that have been deemed to be too AFK, or at risk of dropping out of the game, may be substituted (depending on player availability). This is Host discretion entirely, and substitution or host killing is used to correct the course of the game if need be according to their judgment.
  • In agreement with the Hosts, a Player may be swapped out for a substitute, should somebody be available.
  • The substituted player starts without any penalty votes.
  • Being Host killed generally results in entering the Hall of Shame. The Mafia Council discusses Host kill cases and decides what kind of punishment is appropriate for the transgressing Player.
  • Generally, they will be subject to the Hall of Shame rulings, which can be read about in this thread.
  • Players may communicate personal circumstances to the Host. However, these circumstances will be judged on a case-by-case basis by the Host. In exceptional cases, a Host Kill will not result in a Hall of Shame entry. Otherwise, Players bear the responsibility to be active in the game and will be penalized for failing to do so.

The Clown 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃

This game introduces a new role into the game: The Clown

The Clown (Third Party) wins by being lynched after Day 1, but on or before Day X. Day X is the "total player count"/3 (rounded down). The game ends if the Clown is lynched within this timeframe. The Clown dies automatically at the start of the Day Phase after Day X. The presence of the Clown in the game is always announced in the Opening Post.

Old Roles Changed 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃

Please consult the roles thread for the official update.

Should they be in the game, the following roles have their text updated:
The Traitor (Mafia) (Secondary) can only be assigned to a Townie role. The player receives a list of names of the mafia faction. If the Traitor is killed by the mafia team, instead of dying they are recruited. Their main role becomes Mafia Member. The Traitor can only win with the mafia, and only if they are recruited. They count as a non-town for role interactions. If the last Mafia on their list dies, the Traitor dies at the start of the next phase.

The Mafia Assassin (Mafia) may choose to kill during Day instead of at Night. This is done by PM'ing the host privately with the desired target. The mafia cannot kill at night if the Assassin kills during the day. Cannot be used on Day 1. Cannot be used in the last hour of the Day phase.

The Mafia Robber (Mafia) can, if they successfully killed someone the previous night, cast an extra vote in secret through PM to the Host. One "anonymous vote" will be added to the chosen person. The Robber can store one vote at most.

The Serial Killer (Third Party) is like a lone Mafia Member. They kill once per night and their goal is to be the sole survivor. The Serial Killer starts the game with a list of primary roles that are in the game.

The Santa Claus (Third Party) has to successfully target X amount of players to gift them presents. They win the game after successfully delivering their last present. Santa’s gifts are predetermined by the host, and Santa can send them out in any order they desire. Santa is informed whether or not their action is successful. The target is also informed when they receive a gift.

🍃 HOST(S) 🍃

Marmalade as Panny!
Copy Panda as Papa Panda!


🍃 Ghiblis 🍃
1. Baka Taichou as Totoro
2. Tatsumaki as Nausicä
3. Erinyes as Kiki
4. GrySun as No Face
5. Wojak as Chihiro
6. Holt as The Baron
7. SirSamuel16 as Marco
8. Asachi as Ponyo
9. Faust as Markl
10. Brandish as Marnie
11. DigitalDude as Seita
12. James Rye as Sheeta
13. Farfalla as San
14. Hermit as Arriety


🍃 Dead Ghiblis 🍃
Erinyes || Cowgirl ||
Lost duel on Day 1
James || Doctor || Lynched on Day 1
Baka Taichou || Prostitute || Killed Night 1

Hermit || Mafia Member || Lynched Day 2
Brandish || Doctor || Killed Night 2

GrySun || Detective || Lynched Day 3

Farfalla || Mafia Member Hot Potato || Blown-up Day 3
Tatsumaki || Freeman || Killed Night 3

Day 4 Skipped
Wojak || Detective || Killed Night 4

SirSamuel || Clown || Suicides Day 5
Asako || Mafia Member || Lynched Day 5

Faust || Police Officer || Lynched Day 5

Holt || Troublemaker Naive Traitor || LOST DAY 5
DigitalDude || Serial Killer || WINNER DAY 5

Days Passed

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Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score

Votes 12/12
James 4x - Grysun #38, Samuel #55, Brandish #112, Asako
Brandish 3x - Faust #43, Holt #147, James #53
Asako 1x - DigitalDude #24

Farfalla 1x - Sakura #45

1x - Tatsumaki #63

1x - Wojak #91

1x - Farfalla #83

  • Hermit has Non-Voters Disease and therefore cannot vote today
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The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Well well well, what do we have here? Certainly seems like it's possible to have a couple of those updated roles in this game :hmm


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 2, 2022
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Let’s gooo baby

Will change my avatar later..gotta go to work
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Avis are gorgeous, Marm chan, pan chan


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Okie, love my avy, tks Marm.
So no mech except for the extra role?
A TP we can't lynch on D2 to 4 if I got it right.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Theres not much I can do with my role btw, not a cozy one for me


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Hey I‘m the scary thing. Feel free to give me a bath to soothe me, or something.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
I don‘t like this TP role. Is getting lynched supposed to be a hard thing to do, in a 3 day timespan? If anything it‘s really easy, and may negatively impact gameplay making us reluctant in lynching anyone, even confirmed scum.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Wojak are you mafia for the first time?

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Well well well, what do we have here? Certainly seems like it's possible to have a couple of those updated roles in this game :hmm
doubt there's sk or santa. and the rest are weakened. its a win if they r in the game.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Will change my avatar later..gotta go to work
get your shit together bud
--- Double Post Merged, ---

I don‘t like this TP role. Is getting lynched supposed to be a hard thing to do, in a 3 day timespan? If anything it‘s really easy, and may negatively impact gameplay making us reluctant in lynching anyone, even confirmed scum.
are you proposing not to lynch on a results basis until day x+1 happens? let the m.det find it and help us!! hahaha


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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are you proposing not to lynch on a results basis until day x+1 happens? let the m.det find it and help us!! hahaha
Not proposing anything yet, just anticipating having to show more reluctance in lynching the low hanging fruit.
Fwiw Day 1 it‘s fine to lynch, but then again it‘s a TP not a mafia so we‘ll have to somehow focus on mafia and ignore the TP for him to auto-die eventually or get nightkilled.

Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
yea im thinking of Clown the same as Lover, if it wins well fuck u hosts or something like that.


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
I don‘t like this TP role. Is getting lynched supposed to be a hard thing to do, in a 3 day timespan? If anything it‘s really easy, and may negatively impact gameplay making us reluctant in lynching anyone, even confirmed scum.
It is sort of fitting given Panda Games do tend to have some clown-show moments but it is pretty eh
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