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Discussion If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change?

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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Meliodas also didn't use it for one hour lol.

He just used it once which might be one minute.

One minute or not it was said if Meliodas uses his Ogmagic in Britannia he won't be able to stay in Britannia for long, which was never stated for Mael(as of now).
Well I don't even care anymore mael is a side character so to think of him doing anything big is next to Immppossible.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Thought I think that mael in one mode is definitely as strong as or maybe even stronger than current Ban


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
I'm pretty sure Noon Mael is superior to Meliodas (even with OG magic) considering how he's the mightiest AA with the best God given power in the series. As for Meliodas and his ass-pull ''magic'' that's apparently capable of breaking the curses was probably not awakened or properly used before when he was with the demons.

As much as Nakaba has fucked the series over with power creep, I'll still believe that there was a power balance between the Goddesses & Demons, even if we find out what Meliodas magic is or see Noon Mael fodderize a God.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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I'm pretty sure Noon Mael is superior to Meliodas (even with OG magic) considering how he's the mightiest AA with the best God given power in the series. As for Meliodas and his ass-pull ''magic'' that's apparently capable of breaking the curses was probably not awakened or properly used before when he was with the demons.

As much as Nakaba has fucked the series over with power creep, I'll still believe that there was a power balance between the Goddesses & Demons, even if we find out what Meliodas magic is or see Noon Mael fodderize a God.
Like i said Meliodas's asspull magic makes him unable to stay in Britannia,whereas regarding Mael One Mode it is never stated similar(till now).


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
Like i said Meliodas's asspull magic makes him unable to stay in Britannia,whereas regarding Mael One Mode it is never stated similar(till now).
We don't know why Meliodas magic leaves him unable to reside in the mortal realm, so until we get a full explanation to his power this reasoning to justify ''Meliodas > Mael'' is relatively weak to me.

For all we know Mael might not be able to stay in the mortal realm as well when he's in his noon form.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 12, 2018
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I'm pretty sure Noon Mael is superior to Meliodas (even with OG magic) considering how he's the mightiest AA with the best God given power in the series. As for Meliodas and his ass-pull ''magic'' that's apparently capable of breaking the curses was probably not awakened or properly used before when he was with the demons.

As much as Nakaba has fucked the series over with power creep, I'll still believe that there was a power balance between the Goddesses & Demons, even if we find out what Meliodas magic is or see Noon Mael fodderize a God.
Mael is now a background character soon even Diane overcomes him


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Mael is now a background character soon even Diane overcomes him
That will be real bad,i hope Nakaba doesn't downgrade Mael like that.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
We don't know why Meliodas magic leaves him unable to reside in the mortal realm, so until we get a full explanation to his power this reasoning to justify ''Meliodas > Mael'' is relatively weak to me.

For all we know Mael might not be able to stay in the mortal realm as well when he's in his noon form.
I think this is different than just a power level based thing. Escanor, even in The One form, just releases a ton of energy and has to move away from other people so he doesn't explode them. Meliodas's OG magic seems to not be about potentially endangering the world. The DK phrases it as Mel "Not being able to last even a day" in the normal world once he awakens it. I think the gist of it is that it unavoidably draws him into the Demon Realm or Purgatory due to the nature of how it works. Think like someone suddenly becoming unable to breathe oxygen and needing to move to a different atmosphere. At least that's what it seems like to me right now, it's too vague to tell anything for sure.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Honestly, I'd change at least the way chandler and cusack were introduced. When the chapter introducing them came out it just felt wrong... As if nakaba wrote himself into a corner due to dealing with the commandments in a completely unsatisfactory manner and needed more demon minions for the plot to make a shred of sense. Way too many commandments were dealt with by too few sins (even if those sins didn't kill them). I mean, for story purposes escanor dealt with galan, melascula (though she returned) and estarosa. Meliodas dealt with dolor, gloxinia, fraudrin, monspiet and derieri. Merlin dealt with greyroad. Rather than introducing chandler and cusack nakaba should have given the sins something to do. Nakaba freaking cheated us out of a fight between dolor-gloxinia and king-diane... So that fucking chandler could kinda off screen them?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Honestly, I'd change at least the way chandler and cusack were introduced. When the chapter introducing them came out it just felt wrong... As if nakaba wrote himself into a corner due to dealing with the commandments in a completely unsatisfactory manner and needed more demon minions for the plot to make a shred of sense. Way too many commandments were dealt with by too few sins (even if those sins didn't kill them). I mean, for story purposes escanor dealt with galan, melascula (though she returned) and estarosa. Meliodas dealt with dolor, gloxinia, fraudrin, monspiet and derieri. Merlin dealt with greyroad. Rather than introducing chandler and cusack nakaba should have given the sins something to do. Nakaba freaking cheated us out of a fight between dolor-gloxinia and king-diane... So that fucking chandler could kinda off screen them?
Since you mentioned King and Diane, I think the biggest problem with their powerup was that they did not fight equally at all. We saw one instance of good creative teamwork between King and Diane post-powerup, when King used Diane's Dolor Dance to powerup and move much faster. But it would have been so much better if we saw them work together to the same degree as Dolor and Gloxinia did, and if they needed to powerup, to also do so equally. Dolor and Gloxinia just seemed like a much better team and it's sad.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

To answer what OtakuFreak said here:
OtakuFreak said:
2) Explore the Fairy Clan & Giant Clan's more! - Nakaba-sensei has heavily disregarded the Fairy & Giant Clan's in this story despite both of them being very interesting and even the personal favourites of some people in the community. Why didn't Nakaba decide to use King & Diane's training to explore each realm, origins and history of both clans in proper detail? Having Gloxinia properly train King in the spirit spear after the flashback arc whilst teaching him the full meaning of the Sacred Tree (e.g its true purpose, how it was created, how powerful it really is) would've been much more beneficial. Having Drole teach Diane the history and origin of his clan as well in order to prepare her for the role of the Giant Queen would've been amazing. Whilst the Flashback arc, was amazing in its own right for what it did, I feel like it really missed out on an huge opportunity to capitalise on both Kings.
I will write some things for the Fairy Clan and King, since I don't have many ideas for the Giants right now. Starting off as a trivia bit, I'd make it so King's fat 'regal' form is in appearance based on his admiration for his mentor, former Fairy King Dahlia, who got fat in old age after Harlequin replaced him.The other minor change to King would be that the Sins don't call him King, which only makes sense, since he does not rule over them and they're friends. They just call him Harlequin.

Anyway, onto the main lore.

Origin and Purpose of the Sacred Tree:
In the Fairy Realm, magic would be pretty abundant. Even the natural forests jungles and etc would have been overflowing with magic energy. Some of the trees or plants in the forests could even naturally have magic qualities, but in a raw and undirected state. They're still plants, and don't exactly have the ability to think, so on their own, they were not that powerful until the Fairy Clan started changing things. They find the most abundant forest they can in the world, and over some centuries, develop the highest quality tree in that forest into the Sacred Tree, using 'Disaster' and turning it into a central nexus for magical energy from life throughout the rest of the world. From there, the Fairy King can connect to all the other forests connected to it and control their growth with "Disaster", or communicate with fairies in other forests.

Moving on, the Fairy Clan made the Sacred Tree immortal through making it the center of all life on the planet, because it uses energy from other areas to infinitely regenerate, it doesn't possess immortality as a natural quality. This is also the reason why the Fairy King's forest has an elixir of immortality, it's an extension of the Sacred Tree's power. The tree at the center of the Fairy King's forest would be similar to other trees in the Fairy Realm, that while lesser to the Sacred Tree, would be central points gathering energy from the forests around them, then funneling that collected energy towards the Sacred Tree.

Also, the original purpose of there being an elixir of immortality at the Fairy King's forest is not simply so some human can go up and steal it. It's so that in an emergency event where the Fairy King and any other Fairies available are not strong enough to defend the forest, and the Fairy Realm itself might be in danger, the Fairy King can consume the elixir and absorb the energy of the forest, gaining immortality so he can be invincible to attack along with gaining an overflowing supply of magical energy to defeat enemy threats. What this essentially does is use up a large deal of energy from the Fairy Realm in exchange for dealing with potential invaders. After that, any Fairy King who needed the immortality would spend some time transferring it back to the forest. So essentially, in this version, when Ban steals the elixir, what he effectively did was remove a lot of the stored up life energy of the Sacred Tree which grants him immortality, using the life it receives from living things all over the Fairy Realm. Even providing blood from time to time isn't as good as letting the forest directly and continuously receive energy from the Sacred Tree as it normally should, although it is still enough to keep it alive. This also explains why Ban's immortality is not simply a quality of his body, he is continuously getting energy from an outside source, and therefore his immortality cannot be replicated in any way by others, as I am sure Merlin would have tried to do by now with a blood sample or two.

The Sacred Tree also acts as essentially a giant database of information that any Fairy can interface with through their heart-reading abilities. This has allowed it over time to store records of the clan's entire history, with all the historical events and everything they've ever learned, including magic, which would factor in to how King first learned to use Chastiefol.

Beyond that, the Sacred Tree would even play a role in their world's system of reincarnation. At first, their world just had a 'natural' system of reincarnation, as would take place in normal living worlds, where it is not conscious and not done by will, and is also unreliable. But as they develop the Sacred Tree, their control over the magical energy of the world eventually gets to a point where all they can control this as well and allow Fairies to be conscious even after bodily death as ghosts, and have some degree of choice over how they are reborn. However, they still can't retain memories of previous lives, nor can anything but the Fairy Tree track their history in previous lives, as it's the only living thing involved directly with all Fairies that has the infinite lifespan needed to retain all that information. They could record some of their experiences in the database of the tree, but to anyone reading them, it would still seem like reading a history book about a stranger.

There is an important reason the Goddess and Demon clans have no involvement in this whole afterlife setup for the fairy clan and I will get to that in more detail once I finish their rewritten lore. But essentially, their systems of Purgatory and the Capital of Dead do not cover all of life everywhere in every world. They cover only their own realms and also the Human world to a limited degree.

King's Training with Gloxinia:
I would personally use the same 'powerup or death' situation as Nakaba did, since that did very well in raising the stakes. However, Gloxinia's flashback training session for King would also involve connecting to the Sacred Tree in the past so he can have a chance to understand where he is going wrong. It would be technically an illusion inflicted on King and Diane, but the reason it powers them up so much is not that they literally travel through time, which makes little sense. Instead, it is a spirit-manipulation technique where they fight artificial foes in their mind that correspond to events in the past, and losing would cause damage that transfers to their bodies and kills them.

Sacred Tree and Fairy Clan Lore Summary:
Overall, the Sacred Tree coordinates the activities of the entire Fairy Realm and directs the evolution of life there in general, and the clan created it for that purpose, with each Fairy King taking steps to improve the system more and manage it. There are
still some key points of lore that I have not figured out yet, in relation to their full backstory and the origins of the other clans, but they don't deal with the function of the Sacred Tree. Hopefully I have made the lore experience more ideal and enjoyable for those of you reading this.


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 5, 2016
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United States
I think if there is something needs to change in this series it would be without Elizabeth. Because what happened in this series it focus more on Mel and Ely moments other than fights. So without Elizabeth I think we could have see the best on every characters potential.:super


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 7, 2019
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United States
I just wanted to share what I would change. I won't really touch on everything I might want to change because other people have touched on it or I haven't finalized how I would change it. I originally planned on posting to this thread when the manga ended but I am currently unsure how much longer the series is going to continue for so I just thought I would post my ideas now. Generally, I would adjust the power levels and would flesh out the magic system. Here some more specific ideas/things I would change:

Galand fight
- Merlin lies to Galand
- Meliodas explains Truth Commandment

Escanor vs Estarossa
- the other commandments aren't just standing around

Mel,Ban,Wild vs Demon King
- Ban,Wild use Mael/Estarossa situation to leave Purgatory

Assault team vs Demons(pre-Mael)
- Merlin finds Courechouse
- add Escanor Gaiden
- add Merlin Gaiden
- defining Merlin's limits

Assault team vs Demons(post-Mael)
- Sinner kills someone(maybe multiple)
- Rueduciel possesses Hendrickson
- Hendrickson dies

Everyone VS DKM
- maybe extend fight to 11 chapters from 6(300-310)
- Ban isn't as strong
- Elizabeth takes a more active role
- Everyone works together to beat DKM
- Mel is fighting from the inside from the beginning
- Merlin gives Courechouse to Ban
- Ban uses Courechouse against DKM

Wrap Up
- Arthur is alive
- Elizabeth returns to being a goddess
- Ban has an extended lifespan
- King has to rebuild Fairy King's Forest
- Mael keeps Sunshine
- The End

I am probably going to update this because I am stuck on this idea.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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A lot of things but because of Nakaba, I learned to accept them as I don't have any other choice anyway.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
I would've definitely had the 3-day period of Elizabeth getting her memories back changed into ''once the curse activates and is destined to kill her in 3 days, she returns to her original form, as the Goddess Elizabeth''

that way elizabeth isn't weakened and can actually have feats without contradicting the manga


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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I would've definitely had the 3-day period of Elizabeth getting her memories back changed into ''once the curse activates and is destined to kill her in 3 days, she returns to her original form, as the Goddess Elizabeth''

that way elizabeth isn't weakened and can actually have feats without contradicting the manga
That is the case lol minus her Original body.

Son Detective Asurei

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2017
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United States
Well in my opinion this is what I would definitely change:

1. Change Power System completely and make it more strategical similar to Nen.

2. Have Mael be his own character and never have him be Estarossa.

3. Make the Second Holy War have real, deep, complex themes that fits a war, have be much longer, at least 100 chapters instead of 49.

4. Have Meliodas remain as the last main villain of the story instead of the DK because it’s much more original and better for Meliodas’s character development.

5. Never have Meliodas regain his Emotions or for Emotion Meliodas to even exist. Which begs the question, why did he exist if he was supposed to be eaten by DK to regain his power.

6. Make the Demon King a much more interesting and mysterious character similar to Gendo Ikari; instead of being just being really bland and cliched.

7. Let Elaine remain dead instead of pulling that a**pull with Ban giving up his immortality to revive her.

8. Make Elizabeth more combat based instead of being a healer. Because its really a shame to see her be wasted potential like most other shonen females(eg. Sakura, Orihime).

9. Stop having King go through the same character development and never further explore or deconstruct his character.

10. Never make Merlin broken.

11. Give the Ten Commandments more wins.

12. Give more hype to the rest of the clans( Giant, Fairies, Goddesses, Beastmen, Vampires).

13. Have OG Gowther stop the war a different way, because he using a random, broken spell, which had no relevence in the last arc, to brainwash everyone that Mael died was in my opinion a bit underwhelming and has a ton of plotholes behind it.

14. Never shaft the other fan favorite side characters during the war( Gilthunder, Dreyfus, Hendrickson, Jericho, Howzer, Matrona, etc.).


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
May 10, 2019
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# No power level.
(Atleast no 200k prior to DK.)

# Have liz fight against Mael.

# Have Mael beat / weaken by Trinity attack.
(No Herlequin mumbo jumbo.)

# Have Ludo hold his own until the OD self
destructs. (No Mael one shot.)

# Have ban at Elaines level with immortality.
(No fighting DK on par.)

# Have everyone fight DK and banish him.
(Mael, Liz, Gowther, Merlin fights too.)

# No Mel OG magic.
(Mel pushes DK out of his mind with help.)

# No Zel DK.
(Introduce SD instead.)

PS: My fantasy (Make ludo female and fall for Hendi)


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 16, 2015
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I wish that :

- Elizabeth had Liz personality and could fight a bit more instead of needing to be saved all the time. They could have elizabeth be kidnapped then mel and the others rushing to save her only to find that she already beat the strongest enemy there.

-that Drole and Gloxinia got the respect they deserved. They are the two legendary kings yet they lose to a nerfed mel and night escanor ? Ridiculous
Also how do they get foderrized by the demon clan's chandler? Imo the fairy or giant king outside of harlequin should not lose to another clan's member that is not at least their strongest.

- for Zeldris and other villain's psyche was explored more.
We didn't get their motivations until the very end of the story thats bad imo.
I wish that they were more fleshed out, that they werent as one dimensional as they appeared to be.

- Galan should not have lost to mel right after he got his power up, it killed the tension too fast, also I wish that he wasnt so weak he was the most entertaining commandement.

-The ten commandements lived longer and had personalities and stories that would complement their cool designs.
I wanted other sins to be able to fight them and interact with them more so that they had more understanding of each other or at least a reason to fight other then oh they are demons so they must be killed. It feels like the story with them was rushed

-Mael doing more, fighting more being more impactful.
After the big reveal, the character went to shit, he didnt even want to fight seriously and now he is giving his grace back to escanor instead of going against the dk in his one mode (wich I assume we will never get to see)

- heaven and Hell realms and the world in general to be more fleshed out and explored at points in the story. Going to purgatory was a nice change of pace why didnt the sins get to go to heaven or hell during the story?

-The godess clan was waaay underutilized and lacking.
We are told that the godess clan rivaled the demon clan yet they only had the 4 AA when the demons have the 10C, the masters, indura, Meliodas etc... It's not making much sense unless The supreme deity is that much stronger than the DK (wich I would easily believe right now.)

-I wish that we got a flashback of Mael beating Meliodas. This would make the balance more believable and would be super satisfying.

-I wish that every sin were around the same power level and got around the same screen time. The first arc lf the manga did great on this front but then it was all mel with a side of escanor.

-Diane was way more relevant, she is my biggest dissappountment in this manga. She could have been so much more... She was the strongest sin physically at first, she had crazy magic (mother catastrophy) and potential to use unprecedented earth magic, diamond skin hardening, she could have perfected and improved Drole's dance to give her the highest power level of the sins under the right conditions and many more incredible battle option that would make her a top character...but she was reduced to the cute love interest that somehow helps a little in battle.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 20, 2016
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United States
1. Get rid of Mel's several forms. He doesn't need like 5 while other characters have maybe 1-2 forms. The emotions issue was also a load of crap from the start that doesn't seem to affect any other demons.

2. The Sins should not be drastically stronger than all the other villains before endgame. Excluding Escanor because he can have the plot written around him by just making it past 12:00, no one should be able to oneshot this many people.

3. Demons should've been kicked out as the villains long ago. 300 chapters of the same race with the same generic abilities is getting old

4. Demon King should not be a two time villain

5. Arthur never should have been introduced.

6. Sunshine should never have been a grace.

7. Meliodas should never have carried the demon clan. Realistically Mel is one person and he cannot be everywhere and prevent the 4AA and Elizabeth from wiping our everyone else just because there's more of them. The goddess clan would've wiped out the demon clan regardless of Mel by basic math and probability. Unless Mel can teleport, then any 1v1 scenario easily favors the goddess clan. 10C would've been dead unless Mel happened to follow them 24/7. It's ridiculous. 4AA+ Elizabeth can easily cover more ground and kill more people in the time that it would take Mel to kill one. For every one kill Mel gets the 4AA and Elizabeth could theoretically get 4 more.

I mean who's gonna win
Race 1: 200K+, 200K+, maybe 200K, 100K+ 100K+ or
300K, 100K, 50K 50K 30K 20K. 4/6 are useless for the demons and Chandler and Cusack don't even have access to their innate magic and they never fought to begin with


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
1) An entire clan of Goddesses, including the Supreme Deity & the Four Archangels were only capable of setting up a small trap on the seal which barely destroyed a fodder demon when breaking the seal? LOL? Fraudrin should've given his life for it, rather than have a fodder demon inside a human do it. That way it took a member of the ten commandments power + life force to break it just to release the other 10C's.

2) Have the Goddesses come in much earlier. We see fodder demons destroying the fairy king's forest early on, be left underground dead or sealed independently to the Goddess seal, why didn't we see any Goddesses possessing humans, fairies or giants at an earlier stage? Sure, they had no physical bodies but why did it take Denzel to summon Nerobasta for a single Goddess to do anything? Why didn't the Four Archangels move quicker when the commandments were released? Why are the Goddesses morons and would've allowed demonic dominance had it none been for mel and the sins?

Have a red demon destroy the forest? Why not have a fodder goddess come in and fight it, heal the forest or sum shit.

If the 10C's were released, the 4AA's should've noticed the seal breaking (absolutely no reason why they wouldn't) and as such would be wanting to possess a vessel immediately instead of sleeping away.

Actually why didn't they just possess humans immediately after losing their physical bodies? They would've had 3000 years to repair their OG bodies, release a magic-less/weakenes demon clan from their seal and slaughter them with ease.

3) Actually have the giants & fairies do something. I enjoyed hearing Diane's backstory about her friend being sent off to die and Gerheade herself is more interesting to me than half of the sins - why not give them story?

Why not have King & Diane train immediately upon the 10C's being awakened? Dahlia could appear, be on her death bed or sum shit, but train King how to properly use the spear and explain the lore of the dumb tree that gives him limitless power. Matrona could've taught Diane how to dance and with her potential, would've surpassed her. Why did it take Gloxinia & Drole to teach them? they did nothing for 100 chapters

4) Have Gowther get his memories way earlier. then it would have him capable of fighting the 10C's.

5) Merlin should've never done the whole ''Oh I forgot about my resistance!'' and instead defeat a weakened Fraudrin with some difficulty - that way we would've known she was strong from the get-go and not have her ass-pull shit.

6) Have Mel get 1-3 power-ups in the entire manga at most. 1 when he gets his powers back from merlin (which would give him the power he had vs kings) 2 when he went evil and used his assault mode. 3. when he became demon king

7) Escanor only defeats 1-2 10C's max. Not 3/4. Have Mel (32k base, 60k demonic mark), Merlin, 50k max Diane, 40k King, 35k Gowther and Ban (his scared treasure should've been revealed earlier, allowing him to absorb more power up to a max 50k-60k)

7) emo-mel should never be a thing. Instead, Mel's emotions should've been suppressed/sealed inside his body and to get him back to normal, Gowther & Elizabeth/sins would've had to delve deep into his mind, see his despair (IDK elizabeth dying sum more cuz why niot) like how Mael was when Gowther visited him.

the DK inside mel's body and the sins going in to save him from despair would've been x10 better than just going ''Oh YeS MeLiODaS!!!!!!!!''

8) Have Mel keep the commandments and have them merge with him or something, so his power becoming on par with the Gods makes sense rather than ''well i had this power all along but never used it''

9) Elizabeth awakens her memories much earlier due to the commandments telling her about the past (I would've had Zeldris tell her way before when he did) and have it so her power in human body is limited to around the commandments range, between 40-60k. However, due to awakening her memories + having her own body she is temporarily able to access her OG body and full power for a limited time before needing to get back into her human body (I.E think ludoshel disappearing quickly but elizabeth would simply go back into her human body). This way she's not entirely helpless and could only use her full power 1/2 twice (I.E against AM Mel + 4C-Mael?)

could go on all day tbh